Finding the appropriate mix for your members
The advent of auto-enrolment and the subsequent rise in popularity of master trusts, combined with the government’s groundbreaking plans to scrap compulsory annuitisation, should see defined contribution step out of the shadows of defined benefit provision and enter a golden age of growth and innovation.- How do the various strategies available for the DC market – from target date funds, lifestyle, defined ambition and others compare? Can we expect any of them will encourage DC members to save more towards their retirement?
- Much of the focus in DC has been on the Growth Phase, but how can the industry help members make better informed choices as they approach retirement and get the best possible value for their savings? Will the end of compulsory annuitisation change the way both providers and savers approach this period? Is ‘income drawdown’ a niche offering for those with plenty of money saved for retirement or could it be a realistic option for those with more modest savings?
- Is it time to give up on member communication or is the industry simply doing it wrong? How can providers improve engagement?
- Will we ever see the end of daily pricing? How can DC investment overcome this barrier? Does it need to?

Sebastian Cheek
deputy editor, portfolio institutional
Robert Booth
investments & strategy, NOW: Pensions
Paul Black
investment partner, Lane Clark & Peacock
Richard Skipsey
head of platform distribution, Legal & General Investment Management
Richard Butcher
managing director, PTL